Recently the Western Branch of the IPS was contacted by a group of American quilters on a tour of Ireland who hoped to meet up at the Glenlo Abbey Hotel for a show and tell and sharing of quilting stories.

In this photo from left to right are Sandlin, baby Lara, Sally, Margaret, Veronika, Joan and Jackie waiting to meet the American visitors at the hotel.

In this photo Mari shows the Christmas quilt she made in 2006 from the Christmas challenge blocks that were raffled amongst the participants.

This photo shows a bag made by the American visitors with a map of Ireland showing their tour destinations.

American quilter Wendy shows some of the Celtic designs the group is currently working on. They are also working on a signature 'Irish Chain' quilt and the Irish quilters were asked to sign lots of squares to contribute.

Here the Irish quilters showed the Hungarian and Irish quilts made as part of the 'Let the Flowers Bloom' exchange project. The following Irish quilters also showed some of their work:
Sally, Johanna, Margaret and Agnes.

And finally a photo of the two groups together at the end of of a very enjoyable visit.
Photos and details provided by Johanna.
Looks like you gals had a great time. Thanks for sharing with us.