A big THANK YOU to Sandlin Poth and her quilting friends who came at short notice to tell us about their Bible Quilt Project. The Blocks on display are "Garden of Eden", "Tree of Life" (Norway Pine is the substitute in the top row), "Dove in the Window", "Jacob's Ladder" and "Joseph's Coat".

Six-year old Emma, proudly shows us her patchwork projects. Emma started patchworking with the group last year when she was 5; that's pretty impressive!

This international group of women meet on Saturdays for Bible Study with a difference. 'Lessons for the Heart' takes its inspiration from a Bible passage and 'Lessons for the Hands' involves learning to make a patchwork block with a biblical theme. Above Catherine Kelly and Joan Cumings show "Jacob's Ladder".

Claudia Titilincu and Mandy Post show "Dove in the Window" blocks above.

Joan Cumings
And Claudia Titilincu show "Garden of Eden" blocks above.
As they continue to work on their blocks they are discussing what name to call the group. Peaceful Piecers, Saturday Stitching Sisters, Quirky Quilters are some of the names under discussion.
Whatever they decide it's certain they have lots of talent and we look forward to seeing the finished quilts sometime in the future.
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